Sunday, September 12, 2010

day two hundred fifty.

sometimes i finish my homework early and want to look at pretty things on etsy i will never actually purchase.
pendants and i, we have this long-standing flirtation, occasionally requited.
if forced to pick one feminine indulgence, this might be my category. and cherry lip balm. but that is also functional.

abe the babe

(click on any caption to view respective stores/shinyness)


birds like books

the hardest button to button

letter "j" letterpress

spectacle spectacular

and you do know how to whistle, right?

today, i must focus.


  1. Sometimes looking is almost as good as having. Especially when you wear yourself out, from looking.

  2. Oh hi! This is me, Katie! I just created a blog so I could blog with you guys and we can all blog together!
