Sunday, October 24, 2010

day two hundred ninety-two.

i've been listening to laura marling and elliott smith all weekend, reading a mixture of flannery o'connor and dave eggers' zeitoun while i try to focus on things. i'm not sure that my literary and musical choices are encouraging my productivity, my attempts to order my thoughts toward symmetry, toward an accumulation of days that must be leading to something, to not just anything.

the changing weather, the days that are getting shorter, the beverages that get hotter, all of october's hints that time is moving forward: i want them to mean something.

(click image to enlarge)
(or, what happens when i have to compose a take-home final in a class i don't like, nor have time for)

i expected much worse.
sometimes saying less is best.


  1. I would say that is one of the most respectable grades and comments, ever. And I think I remember that he could be a very harsh critic of people's writing.

  2. yeah, i'm by no means down on getting an A-

    i'm more surprised that he gave me that given what i turned in, and when i initially read the first two sentences i was thinking about how tough he was on people for our last assignment and how if he were to be tough on me for this one, it would not just be because he is a bit fussy.

    it seems like something a creative writing teacher would say, maybe? when one writes a story about precocious children angry with their parents but doesn't explain why or leaves off the ending, and the teacher needs more more more.

    anyway, class = over

  3. This proves my life's motto- slacking (almost) always pays off.
