Monday, July 12, 2010

day one hundred eighty-eight(-ish).

after overcoming technical difficulties, i bring you:

ain't no party like a DC party 'cause a DC party is mandatory

part one
(food and lincoln edition)

we got a little soggy going to and from the national archives.
after seeing some letters from school girls about the beatles, we made our way to cava for greek food:

hummus. not ice cream.

then to the american history museum

first ladies exhibit (jackie o. & mamie eisenhower)


mamie eisenhower

michelle, my belle

(b)abraham lincoln extravaganza

splittin' rails, looking like nic cage

beth's hands are not quite presidential size

shackles from one of the conspirators
(dude behind me: "oh look, its our salute to capitol punishment!")

timeline of GQ covers

later: science!

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