Thursday, July 8, 2010

day one hundred eighty-five.

the answers to the will shortz puzzles i posted last week
rachelle made a pretty good guess of "liberally" for number three, but was just short(z):

-american cities-

1. The Playboy Club is putting out a movie with an Albany cast.

2. Of all the fruits grown in Asia, residents of Bombay think the Indianapolis the best.

-and the tom swifty-

3. "Get rid of all the conservative party in England," Tom said notoriously.

1 comment:

  1. Yay for answers!

    In hindsight, I think I would have been able to submit guesses for the first two if I had an example to get me rolling. If you still have the questions you should save them and bring them home with you so we can mull them over one night.

    Also, that quiz is slightly dated, since Bombay is now called Mumbai :)
